Count D'Orgel's Ball (New York Review Books Classics)



Count D'Orgel's Ball (New York Review Books Classics)

ISBN: 9781590171387

出版社: NYRB Classics

出版年: 2005-03-31

页数: 176

定价: USD 12.95

装帧: Paperback


Count d'Orgel is handsome, charming, and carefree, a model of cool aristocratic aplomb. His wife, the Countess, is beautiful and pure and loves her husband more than anything in the world. But from the moment the d'Orgels meet and befriend the clever young Fran?ois de Séryeuse backstage at the circus, all three of these supremely civilized and witty people are caught up in an ever more intricate and seductive dance of deception and self-deception. At Count d'Orgel's masquerade ball, the real disguises are those of the human heart.

Completed just before Raymond Radiguet's death at the age of twenty, Count d'Orgel's Ball is a love story that is as disturbing as it is delicious.


雷蒙?哈狄格(Raymond Radiguet,1903-1923),一九○三年六月十八日出生於巴黎近郊的聖莫爾郡,是一位早熟的神童作家,名聞當時的法國藝文界,他和作家尚?柯克托之間亦師亦友的親密情誼一直為人們所津津樂道。一九二三年十二月十二日,因腸傷寒病逝,年二十歲。

少年時期的哈狄格不喜歡上學,經常蹺課到瑪納河畔,一邊划船一邊閱讀世界名著。十四歲開始寫詩,詩作深受法國詩人藍波的影響。其後並發表劇本、短篇小說及詩作,斐然可觀。代表作《肉體的惡魔》(Le Diable au Corps)以及《伯爵的舞會》(Le Bal du Comte d\’Orgel),獲得極大迴響。兩部小說均曾搬上銀幕。《伯爵的舞會》是他生前最後一本、亦是最獲好評的著作。
