For the New Intellectual



For the New Intellectual

副标题: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand (Signet)

ISBN: 9780451163080

出版社: Signet

出版年: 1963-12-01

页数: 224

定价: USD 7.99

装帧: Paperback


Ayn Rand challenges the prevalent philosophical doctrines of our time and the "guilt", panic and despair they created. She was the proponent of a new moral philosophy - an ethic of rational self-interest - that stands in sharp opposition to the ethics of altruism and self-sacrifice. The fundamentals of this new morality are set forth in this book. The author also wrote "The Virtue of Selfishness", "Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal" and "Night of 16th January". --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.


安?兰德(Ayn Rand,1905一1982)全世界有史以来最畅销的作家之一,是20世纪美国最为知名、小说和论著卖出册数最多的作家、思想家和公共知识分子之一。

安?兰德最具哲学挑战意义的哲理小说《阿特拉斯耸耸肩》(又名《地球的震栗》)(AtlasShrugged)被评为“继圣经之后对当代美国人影响最大的一本书”。此外,她还著有长篇小说《生而为人》(We the Living)、《赞歌》(Anthem)和《源泉》(The Fountainhead)。

安?兰德独特的哲学――“客观主义”在全世界都具有广泛而深人的影响。她的哲学精神在她生前由以下四本代表性论著阐明:《客观主义认识论概论》(Introduction to ObjectivistEpistemology)、《致新知识分子》(For the NewIntellectual)、《自私的美德》(The Virtue ofSelfishness)以及《资本主义:未知的理想》(Captalism:The Unknown Ideal)。

文集《理性的声音》(Voice of Reason)和专栏集《通往明天的唯一道路》(The Column ofAyn Rand)则是在她逝世后结集成书的。


关键词:For the New Intellectual