Whitethorn Woods山楂林



Whitethorn Woods山楂林

ISBN: 9780307279231

出版年: 2007-3

页数: 421

定价: 90.40元


Book Description

In her newest novel, the beloved Maeve Binchy brings us the voices of ordinary men and women deciding between the past and the promise of the future, as she vividly tells the story of a town, its history and its people.

People have been coming to Saint Ann’s Well for generations. Some believe it to be a place of true spiritual power; others think it’s merely a magnet for superstition. But now a new highway threatens to cut through Whitethorn Woods and destroy the well, and the citizens of Rossmore all have opinions on what this will mean.


梅芙·宾奇(Maeve Binchy)生于都柏林,获都柏林大学历史学位。先在几所女子学校任教,后进入《爱尔兰时报》供职,开始撰写专栏。自1982年她的长篇小说处女作《点燃希望的烛火》出版以来,梅芙·宾奇已经出版了近二十部长篇小说和短篇小说集,每一本都成为英语世界人人争读的畅销书,她遂成为整个英语世界最受追捧的顶级畅销书女王。1999年,作为爱尔兰国宝级畅销书作家的她荣获英国图书奖的终身成就奖。


关键词:Whitethorn Woods 山楂