Fantasia on Polish Airs and Other Works for Piano and Orchestra肖邦《波兰咏叹调幻想曲》和其它钢琴曲以及管弦乐曲曲谱



Fantasia on Polish Airs and Other Works for Piano and Orchestra肖邦《波兰咏叹调幻想曲》和其它钢琴曲以及管弦乐曲曲谱

ISBN: 9780486431543

出版年: 2003-9

页数: 116

定价: 144.19元


IncludesOpus 2 — the sparkling Variations on Mozart's "Là ci darem la mano"— along with Chopin's equally scintillating Fantasia on Polish Airs, Op. 13, and Krakowiak: Rondo for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 14, in a single volume. From Vol. 12 of Breitkopf & H?rtel's Complete Works Edition, 1878–80.