Kindergartens, Schools and Playgrounds



Kindergartens, Schools and Playgrounds

ISBN: 9788495832856

出版社: Prestel Pub

出版年: 2007-11

页数: 255

定价: 250.00元

装帧: Pap


Human development is especially important during the first years of our lives. It is during childhood and adolescence that the basis of personality is established. The quality of the spaces where the physical and mental development takes place can be highly influential in the delicate and fundamental process of personal and educational growth. There is no doubt that the educational surroundings are extremely important in this process. There are numerous studies which explore the effects of architecture on children's behavior and this is ever more reflected in the design of buildings and interiors dedicated to the teaching of our youngest. This book gathers a selection of international day care centers and schools designed by renowned architects, combining functional, technological and construction features creating imaginative and evocative atmospheres.