Assessing Families and Couples



Assessing Families and Couples

副标题: From Symptom to System

ISBN: 9780205470129

出版社: Allyn & Bacon

出版年: 2006-04-02

页数: 207

定价: CAD 57.10

装帧: Paperback


Appealing to both new and experienced therapists, Assessing Families and Couples portrays a clear picture of what occurs in a two-session model in conducting a family therapy assessment. The text begins with a brief historical review of family therapy and continues with a detailed explanation of the authors’ four-step assessment model. The assessment model is illustrated by a series of thoroughly detailed case studies, featuring African-American, European, Latin-American, Spanish, Irish, and Chinese families. Students and instructors alike will find this book an invaluable tool for the learning and teaching of family therapy assessment.


对于任何一本由一个以上的作者合著的著作来说,一定有一个它是如何面世的故事。对于本书来说,有三个这样的故事。我们希望这三个故事,可以成功地融入到后面的章节之中去。Salvador Minuchin,从事临床工作多年,希望能写一部总结性的著作,并且希望这本书能引起学术界关注,因为它以一种雅致的方式,囊括了他临床经验的精华,既饱涵知识,也充满美感。Michael Nichols,对年轻学子施教多年,希望能为刚开始临床之旅,既充满憧憬,又颇感混沌的青年学人,写一些有益的东西。李维榕(Wai-Yung Lee),其治疗实践深受她自身的中国文化的根源的影响,希望能对不确定的箴言,畅抒己见。
