Everything That Rises Must Converge



Everything That Rises Must Converge

副标题: Stories

ISBN: 9780374504649

出版社: Farrar, Straus and Giroux

出版年: 1965-1-1

页数: 320

定价: USD 16.00

装帧: Paperback


The title of the story refers to the philosophy of an obscure Jesuit theologian,Pierre Teilhard de Chardin。Teilhard offers a Catholic version of the science of evolution,theorizing that lower life forms evolved toward greater diversity and complexity,rising to the level of man,who exists at the midpoint between animal life and God。At this point,evolution continues — yet only on a spiritual level。Instead of diversifying biologically,humanity takes a path of convergence — that is,a path toward intersection or union — rising toward the unification of spirit in God。Referring to the Christian concept of revelation,Teilhard posits that at the end of time human spirit will have at last risen to the ultimate point of convergence,where all people are as one in Christ。



奥康纳出生于美国佐治亚州,1945 年毕业于佐治亚州女子学院,原本打算成为一位职业政治漫画家的她,在获得了州立大学提供的研究生奖学金之后,进入了著名的依阿华大学作家培训班,从此也将事业的重心转向了文学作品的创作。1946年,奥康纳在《音调》杂志上发表了人生的第一个短篇小说——《天竺葵》,并因此获得了莱因哈特(Rinehart)奖学金,之后她的创作便一发不可收拾,在一年之内写下了《理发师》《野猫》《警察》《火鸡》《火车》等多部短篇小说,并于1948年开始创作被后世奉为经典的长篇小说——《智血》。1950年,因被确诊患上红斑狼疮,奥康纳只得回到家乡农场静养,一边饲养她最爱的孔雀,一边孜孜不倦地继续创作文学作品。39岁英年早逝时,奥康纳已创作了两篇长篇小说和三十一篇短篇小说,多次获得欧?亨利短篇小说奖。美国评论界称她的逝世是“自菲茨杰拉德去世以来美国文坛最重大的损失”。

