From Here To Eternity



From Here To Eternity

ISBN: 9781597812665

出版社: Xulon Press

出版年: 2005-07-29

页数: 276

定价: USD 25.99

装帧: Hardcover


Whether skeptic or scholar you will be captivated as you turn the pages of the chronicles of mankind's destiny from here to eternity. The author provides a scholarly and inspirational exposition of Jesus' most thrilling discourse on the fate of mankind. Some questions we will address are: When will the Antichrist appear, and where will he come from? Are there hidden prophetic keys in the original language? What will be left behind? How do current theories compare to scriptures? Does Israel still have a role to play? Can we affect the outcome? What Bible prophecies have been fulfilled? These and many other questions are answered in this captivating revelation of the truths lost for nearly 200 years. Also included is a glossary of theological terms used within this text. Here we examine the historical fulfillment of Jesus' words and outline the roadmap that leads to the Apocalyptic Period.

关键词:From Here To Eternity