Infrastructure for Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Scalable Multi-Agent Systems



Infrastructure for Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Scalable Multi-Agent Systems

ISBN: 9783540423157

出版社: Springer; 1 edition

出版年: 2001-8

页数: 310

定价: 110.00元

装帧: 平装



Building research grade multi-agent systems usually involves a broad variety of software infrastructure ingredients like planning, scheduling, coordination, communication, transport, simulation, and module integration technologies and as such constitutes a great challenge to the individual researcher active in the area.

The book presents a collection of papers on approaches that will help make deployed and large scale multi-agent systems a reality. The first part focuses on available infrastructure and requirements for constructing research-grade agents and multi-agent systems. The second part deals with support in infrastructure and software development methods for multi-agent systems that can directly support coordination and management of large multi-agent communities; performance analysis and scalability techniques are needed to promote deployment of multi-agent systems to professionals in software engineering and information technology.