Basic Steps In Planning Nursing Research (Basic Steps in Planning Nursing Research)



Basic Steps In Planning Nursing Research (Basic Steps in Planning Nursing Research)

ISBN: 9780763734787

出版社: Jones & Bartlett Publishers

出版年: 2005-10-30

页数: 537

定价: USD 62.95

装帧: Paperback


As an introduction to the research process, Basic Steps in Planning Nursing Research, Sixth Edition focuses on the development of an effective research plan, and guides readers through all stages of the process—from finding a research topic, to the final written proposal. The text presents the research steps in a logical manner and demonstrates how decisions at each stage directly affect what can be accomplished at the subsequent step. Throughout the entire process, the actual research question remains at the forefront of the plan.

Beginning researchers new to the process will find Basic Steps particularly helpful, learning where to find information relevant to their topic, how to organize the information, and how to clearly communicate their questions, ideas, and plans. This text is also a great resource for researchers with higher levels of expertise who need guidance in developing a quality research plan. Regardless of the researcher's expertise level, Basic Steps in Planning Nursing Research treats the planning process as an art and maintains that research is only as good as its plan.