How To Draw Comics The Marvel Way



How To Draw Comics The Marvel Way

ISBN: 9780671530778

出版社: Touchstone

出版年: 1984-9-14

页数: 192

定价: USD 16.95

装帧: Paperback


Stan Lee, the Mighty Man from Marvel, and John Buscema, active and adventuresome artist behind the Silver Surfer, Conan the Barbarian, the Mighty Thor and Spider-Man, have collaborated on this comics compendium: an encyclopedia of information for creating your own superhero comic strips. Using artwork from Marvel comics as primary examples, Buscema graphically illustrates the hitherto mysterious methods of comic art. Stan Lee's pithy prose gives able assistance and advice to the apprentice artist. Bursting with Buscema's magnificent illustrations and Lee's laudable word-magic, How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way belongs in the library of every kid who has ever wanted to illustrate his or her own comic strip.


斯坦·李(Stan Lee),漫威绝大多数知名超级英雄角色的缔造者,被誉为“漫威之父”。 他所创造的最知名的角色包括“神奇四侠”“蜘蛛侠”“钢铁侠”“雷神托尔”“绿巨人”“X战警”“奇异博士”“超胆侠”等。1972年成为漫威漫画公司的发行人和董事长,1998年离开漫威 ,与人合作创办了POW!娱乐公司。1978年与约翰·巴斯马合作出版本书。

约翰·巴斯马(John Buscema),1948年在斯坦·李的招募下加入漫威公司前身及时漫画(Timely Comics),是上世纪70年代漫威最知名的绘图师之一,作品包括《银影侠》《雷神托尔》《神奇四侠》《蜘蛛侠》《复仇者联盟》等。在斯坦·李的邀请下,巴斯马与其共同创作了本书。2002年,这位漫画家因癌症病故。


关键词:How To Draw Comics The Marvel Way