District and Circle



District and Circle

副标题: Poems

ISBN: 9780374140922

出版社: Farrar, Straus and Giroux

出版年: 2006-05-30

页数: 78

定价: USD 20.00

装帧: Hardcover


Seamus Heaney's new collection starts "In an age of bare hands and cast iron" and ends as "The automatic lock / clunks shut" in the eerie new conditions of a menaced twenty-first century. In their haunted, almost visionary clarity, the poems assay the weight and worth of what has been held in the hand and in the memory. Images out of a childhood spent safe from the horrors of World War II – railway sleepers, a sledgehammer, the "heavyweight / Silence" of "Cattle out in rain" – are colored by a strongly contemporary sense that "Anything can happen," and other images from the dangerous present – a journey on the Underground, a melting glacier – are fraught with this same anxiety.

But District and Circle, which includes a number of prose poems and translations, offers resistance as the poet gathers his staying powers and stands his ground in the hiding places of love and excited language. In a sequence like "The Tollund Man in Springtime" and in several poems which "do the rounds of the district" – its known roads and rivers and trees, its familiar and unfamiliar ghosts – the gravity of memorial is transformed into the grace of recollection. With more relish and conviction than ever, Seamus Heaney maintains his trust in the obduracy of workaday realities and the mystery of everyday renewals.


【作者简介】谢默斯·希尼(Seamus Heaney,1939-2013),享誉世界的伟大诗人、剧作家、评论家、翻译家。1939年生于北爱尔兰德里郡,1961年毕业于贝尔法斯特女王大学,当过中学教师,后回母校担任文学教师。二十多岁即以诗集《一位自然主义者之死》享誉诗坛。1972年和家人移居爱尔兰都柏林。出版《开垦地:诗选1966—1996》《电灯光》《区线与环线》《人之链》等诗集、评论、戏剧多部,《踏脚石:希尼访谈录》对其生平和创作进行了全面解析。曾任美国哈佛大学修辞学教授,英国牛津大学诗学教授,获艾略特诗歌奖、毛姆文学奖、史密斯文学奖等一系列重要奖项。1995年因“作品洋溢着抒情之美,包容着深邃的伦理,批露出日常生活和现实历史的奇迹”获诺贝尔文学奖,被称为“爱尔兰继叶芝之后最伟大的诗人”。

【译者简介】雷武铃, 诗人,译者,文学批评家。1968年生,湖南人。北京大学外语学院文学博士,现为河北大学文学院教授。出版诗集《赞颂》《蜃景》《地方》,研究专著《自我、宿命与不朽:伊克巴尔研究》,诗歌翻译《区线与环线》(希尼),《踏脚石:希尼访谈录》即将出版。另有零散诗歌、评论、翻译多篇发表。


关键词:District and Circle