Rights of Man



Rights of Man

ISBN: 9781853264672

出版年: 1997-8

页数: 240

定价: 48.00元



Rights of Man is a classic statement of the belief in humanity's potential to change the world for the better. Published as a reply to Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France, it differs from that great work in every relevant respect. Where Burke uses the language of the governing classes, Paine writes with the vigour of a self-taught mast-maker and exciseman. With passionate and rapier wit, Paine challenges Burke's assertion that society cannot be judged by rational standards and found wanting. Rights of Man contains a fully-costed budget, advocating measures such as free education, old age pensions, welfare benefits and child allowance over 100 years before these things were introduced in Britain. It remains a compelling manifesto for social change.


托马斯·潘恩(Thomas Paine,1737—1809) 英裔美国思想家、革命家,激进民主主义者、自然神论者,秉持“世界公民”理念,主张“世界共和国”。其著作与思想,对十八世纪两次决定现代世界政治图景的伟大革命——美国革命和法国大革命——作出了重大贡献,成为美国革命的推动者和法国革命的辩护者,并深刻阐明了两次革命的内在联系。主要著作:《常识》、《美国危机》、《人的权利》、《理性时代》。


关键词:Rights of Man