How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You



How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You

ISBN: 9780809229895

出版社: McGraw-Hill

出版年: 1997-9-1

页数: 318

定价: 139.00元

装帧: Paperback


In "How to Make Anyone Falling Love with You,"you'll explore precisely what will make someone take the tumble--what types of initial eye contact, clothing, body language, first conversations, and first dates ignite the sensation of love. You'll learn when to play hard to get (and when not to), how long you should wait to ask him or her out, and how to make an unforgettable first impression. In addition, the author will teach you how to discover and exude a sense of the deeper qualities the man or woman you have chosen longs for in a lifetime partner. Finally, she demonstrates the subtle techniques for discovering ( and fulfilling) your partner's sexual cravings.


莉尔?朗兹(Leil Lowndes),国际知名人际沟通专家与两性情感问题专家,是“美国性教育专家、咨询师及治疗师协会”的成员,她创建并领导“两性课题”项目组长期从事亲密关系的研究与咨询工作。



关键词:How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You