Too Young to Retire



Too Young to Retire

副标题: An Off-The Road Map to the Rest of Your Life

ISBN: 9780452285576

出版社: Plume

出版年: 2004-04-27

页数: 176

定价: USD 13.00

装帧: Paperback


With Americans living longer, healthier lives, the conventional idea of retirement is obsolete. Millions of Americans are working past the age of sixty-five—not because they have to, but because they want to. Many, like Marika and Howard Stone, discover second careers, start their own businesses, or go back to school.

Based on the popular website, Too Young to Retire offers inventive and exciting retirement alternatives to help readers find their labors of love, inner activists, or how to make a home away from home. Enlightening exercises and workbook pages as well as a comprehensive list of publications, home exchange organizations, and websites are included to assist readers in making meaningful choices. For those who aren’t ready to throw in the towel, Too Young to Retire is the essential resource for discovering what comes next.

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