Fundamental Principles of the Sociology of Law



Fundamental Principles of the Sociology of Law

ISBN: 9780765807014

出版社: Transaction Publishers

出版年: 2001-10-03

页数: 612

定价: USD 39.95

装帧: Paperback


The innovative and revolutionary scholarship of the eminent Austrian legal theorist and professor of Roman law, Eugen Ehrlich (1862-1922), is of a very high caliber. His work has not only held its place well in view of what legal theory, especially sociological legal theory, has to offer, but is also still a powerful challenge to positions in legal theory that are no longer defensible. The sociology of law has followed in a direct line of succession from Ehrlich's observations and ideas as a new and special discipline linking jurisprudence with sociology.


欧根·埃利希(Eugen Ehrlich,1862~1922),奥地利法学家,欧洲社会学法学、自由法学的创始人之一。生于布科维纳的切尔诺夫策(Czernowitz)的一个犹太人家庭。1886年在维也纳大学获得法学博士学位。1894年任维也纳大学讲师,主讲罗马法,并兼任律师工作。1897年起在切尔诺夫策大学担任罗马法教授直至1922年去世。在此期间,埃利希于1906~1907年间担任该大学的校长。其主要著作有:《默示的意思表示》(1893年)、《德国民法典上的强行法与非强行法》 (1899年)、《自由的法的发现和自由法学》(1903年)、《法社会学原理》(1913年)和《法律逻辑》(1919年)等。
