The Secret Pilgrim



The Secret Pilgrim

ISBN: 9780394588421

出版社: Knopf

出版年: 1990-12-25

定价: USD 27.50

装帧: Hardcover


Nothing is as it was. Old enemies embrace. The dark staging grounds of the Cold War -- whose shadows barely obscure the endless games of espionage -- are flooded with light. The rules are rewritten, the stakes changed and the future unfathomable.

Ned has worked for the British Intelligence all of his life -- a loyal, shrewd officer of the Cold War. Now approaching the end of his career, he revisits his own past. He invites us on a tour of three decades in the Circus, burrowing deep in the world of spies from every corner of the globe.

"Le Carre is simply the world's greatest fictional spymaster!" (Newsweek)



约翰?勒卡雷(John le Carré)

原名大卫?康威尔(David Cornwell),1931年生于英国。曾就读于伯尔尼大学和牛津大学,在伊顿公学教授过两年法文与德文。18岁被英国军方情报单位招募,担任对东柏林的间谍工作;1958年就职于英国安全局军情五处,同时开始写作。1963年,第三本著作《柏林谍影》问世,知名小说家格雷厄姆?格林盛赞:“这是我读过的最好的间谍小说!”由此奠定文坛大师地位,并转为全职写作。在过去的50年中,勒卡雷居留于伦敦与康沃尔郡,笔耕不辍,迄今共著书23部,有4部入选美国推理作家协会(MWA)“百佳推理小说”,3部入选 MWA十大流派名作排行榜“十佳间谍小说”,获奖无数,被《泰晤士报》评为“1945年以来50位最伟大的英国作家”之一,也被西方评论界誉为“在世最好的英语小说家之一”。

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关键词:The Secret Pilgrim