art of travel旅行的艺术



art of travel旅行的艺术

副标题: The Art of Travel (1872): Or, Shifts and Contrivances Available in Wild Countries

ISBN: 9781842122099

出版社: Phoenix Press

出版年: 2001-06-30

页数: 366

定价: 48.00元

装帧: Paperback


Few Victorian travelers considered setting off without a copy of this indispensable book in their baggage. Conceived during a voyage to southwestern Africa in the 1850s, it eventually ran into eight editions; this version was the last to incorporate new material. Quaint, practical, and VERY politically incorrect, this wonderful time capsule reveals how Tibetans keep warm, how the Chinese stop asses braying, how to build a snow house, and a multitude of tried, tested, and now forgotten tips.

关键词:art of travel 旅行 艺术