The Complete Idiot's Guide to Starting your own Business, 4th Edition (The Complete Idiot's Guide)



The Complete Idiot's Guide to Starting your own Business, 4th Edition (The Complete Idiot's Guide)

ISBN: 9781592571383

出版社: Alpha

出版年: 2003-12-02

定价: USD 24.95

装帧: Paperback


Experienced business owners know that the required ingredients for starting a successful business are 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Starting Your Own Business, Fourth Edition, has been updated and expanded to give you even more of the tips, tricks, and action steps needed to write a great business plan, to get it funded, and to put it into action. It even includes a new CD ROM that contains 90 of the most commonly used business documents, legal agreements, and forms-- saving you time and money. Reading this book and acting on its advice won't get rid of the perspiration but it will make your success no sweat.