Careers for Caring People and Other Sensitive Types



Careers for Caring People and Other Sensitive Types

ISBN: 9780071405720

作者: Adrian A·Paradis

出版社: McGraw-Hill/Contemporary Books

出版年: 2003-3

页数: 208

定价: $ 15.76


Have your friends nicknamed you "Mother Theresa"? Can your local charities count on you to volunteer? Then you are a caring person, someone the rest of us can depend on and admire. Your soft heart and Good Samaritan ways can also help out your wallet. In "Careers for Caring People", you'll learn how you can earn a paycheck by: taking care of our elderly; working at a hospital; raising foster children; helping others find jobs; becoming a nanny ...and more! Inside, you'll find all the information you need on salaries, working conditions, and opportunities for professional advancement. Written for newcomers and career changers alike, "Careers for Caring People" shows how having your heart in the right place can land you the right job.