The True Story of Ah Q



The True Story of Ah Q

ISBN: 9789629960445

出版社: 香港中文大學

出版年: 20020701

定价: 62.00元


A towering figure in the literary history of twentieth-century China, Lu Xun has exerted immense and continuous influence through his short stories, which remain today as powerful as they were first written. While echoes of these stories can still be heard in the fictional works from both sides of the Taiwan Strait in the eighties and nineties, The True Story of Ah Q has long become an intrinsic part of the Chinese vocabulary.Like many Chinese intellectuals searching for a solution to China\'s problems, Lu Xun went to Japan to study medicine, a choice he later abandoned for a career in writing, which he considered to be a far more effective weapon to save China. A prolific author of pungent and "dagger-like" essays, Lu Xun is also a tireless translator of Western critical and literary works. His fictional works have been translated into more than twenty languages.

Gladys Yang and Yang Xianyi are the most distinguished team of Chinese-English translations. Besides Lu Xun, they also translated many classics of traditional Chinese literature. This bilingual edition also carries an introduction by Professor David Pollard.





楊憲益、戴乃迭夫婦為當代中國譯壇大家,名著名譯,至為難得。此中英對照本尚有卜立德教授新序,以為導讀。 表單的底部


关键词:The True Story of Ah Q