Law, Decision-making and Microcomputers



Law, Decision-making and Microcomputers

ISBN: 9780899305035

出版年: 1991-2

页数: 378

定价: $ 129.95


This work presents a survey of microcomputers and decision-aiding software in law practices and the legal process, offering a variety of perspectives from contributors around the world. The book defines decision-making software as having the ability to aid in the processing of a set of law-related alternatives, relative criteria or rules for determining which alternative should or will be chosen and the relationship between each alternative and criterion. These basic ideas are applied to the work of various members of the legal comunity, including practising lawyers, legal policy-makers and legal scholars. Following an overview of the nature, trends and costs/benefits of decision-making software, the book deals with the normative and predictive questions that microcomputers and software can help to answer.