Deal Breaker



Deal Breaker

ISBN: 9780752879642

出版年: 2006-4

页数: 368

定价: 46.00元


Investigator and sports agent Myron Bolitar is poised on the edge of the big-time. So is Christian Steele, a rookie quarterback and Myron's prized client. But when Christian gets a phone call from a former girlfriend, a woman who everyone, including the police, believes is dead, the deal starts to go sour. Suddenly Myron is plunged into a baffling mystery of sex and blackmail. Trying to unravel the truth about a family's tragedy, a woman's secret and a man's lies, Myron is up against the dark side of his business - where image and talent make you rich, but the truth can get you killed.


哈兰·科本(Harlan Coben)

美国三代总统克林顿、小布什、奥巴马最喜欢的畅销书作家,《达·芬奇密码》作者丹·布朗的伯乐。第一位包揽国际最权威的埃德加·爱伦·坡奖、莎马斯奖和安东尼奖的美国作家,第一位入选图书奥斯卡(英国年度图书奖)的美国人。1995年,他以《Deal Breaker》(《天使的隐私》)而走红,赢得评论家和读者的广泛好评。迄今为止,已经连续推出“米隆·波利塔系列小说”共十本,并因此获得诸多殊荣。《纽约时报》称赞他的小说是“天才作品”,《洛杉矶时报》认为他的小说“充满洞见”,《休斯顿纪事》指出他的作品“始终给人带来愉悦”。许多报刊一致认为,哈兰·科本的作品是必读书。



关键词:Deal Breaker