The Secret Life of Eva Hathaway



The Secret Life of Eva Hathaway

ISBN: 9789991425757

定价: 0.00


With reverberations of a WASP Sheila Levine

living in Boston, and perhaps a soupcon of

Heartburn, a new talent debuts in this wonder-

fully crafted, warm and delicious novel of a hy-

per-talented young woman who discovers after

five years of marriage that Bostonian domestic-

ity is something only a true-blue Puritan could


Eva Hathaway is a woman of many talents

and guises, none of which hail back to the days

of the Mayflower. Married to Martin Weaver,

computer genius extraordinaire, she is the re-

spectable (and somewhat chagrined by it) wife

of the son of the exceedingly wealthy and

proper Weavers of Boston.

She is also the woman behind the name of

Fanny May Tingle, pseudonym for the most

popular hymnist in the land, gleaning inspira-

tion from whatever raffish serendipity crosses

her path.

And she is also the Eva Hathaway whose

mind has been indelibly stamped by her some-

what crazy mother Chuck, whose binges alter-

nate between that old time religion and good

old Jim Beam.

关键词:The Secret Life of Eva Hathaway