The Chinese Art of Face Reading



The Chinese Art of Face Reading

副标题: Mian Xiang

ISBN: 9781843330202

作者: Henning Hai Lee Yang

出版社: Vega

出版年: 2002-03-01

页数: 228

定价: USD 9.95

装帧: Paperback


The human face can be an open book--and the Chinese art of mian chiang teaches you to read it. By looking at each feature, determine anyone's true nature and fortune, anticipate behavior, and fine-tune relationships. Begin with the shape of the face; five elements, with their different characteristics; and 10 basic patterns. Individually travel across the ears, eyes, brows, nose, cheekbones, mouth, lines, chin, hair, and forehead, guided by drawings and charts. Special sections on facial and body language deepen your knowledge.

关键词:The Chinese Art of Face Reading