Practical Family Health The AMA Home Medical Library



Practical Family Health The AMA Home Medical Library

ISBN: 9780895773357

出版年: 1989-8

定价: 280.00


This is a very well illustrated 144 page book, of about 8.5 inch by 11 inch page size, with most of the illustrations in full color, covering home health issues for the young family. There is little, if any, information dealing with geriatric health problems or diseases.

Diet is covered, as well as exercise and several admonitions not to smoke, or if you do, to stop. The musculature and inner organs are depicted and discussed superficially, with the standard warnings and exhortations about avoiding fat in your diet and exercising regularly. Nothing very exciting, and little detailed medical information about diseases. It is strictly a book for the layman with little or no knowledge about medical conditions.

The typography, illustrations, editing and production generally is well done, and the book has the imprimatur of the American Medical Association and Reader s Digest, which virtually guarantees that there will be no controversial subject matter or alternative medical advice in it.

A good book for the target audience, but not the one you want if you have serious medical questions and want detailed information.