Ortho Easy-Step Books: Lawns: All About Planting And Lawn Care



Ortho Easy-Step Books: Lawns: All About Planting And Lawn Care

ISBN: 9780897212960

定价: 24.00


Book Description It's never greener on the other side of the fence when you've made your lawn the best in town! Because the lawn often is the largest and most visible part of a home landscape, you'll want to make sure it's perfect by selecting the right grass for your climate and needs, installing it properly, and caring for it consistently. Whether you're starting from scratch, removing and replanting an old or neglected lawn, or just searching for tips, all you need to know is right in here. Prepare the soil with amendments and fertilizer Seed, sod, and plant your lawn. Pick the right mower for the kind of lawn you want. Know when to water. Inspect for pests, treat damage, and control weed growth. Aerate, overseed, and patch small spots. This is the ultimate lawn tool! Sterling 64 pages (all in color), 5 1/4 x 8 7/8.