Christian Renewal: Living Beyond Burnout



Christian Renewal: Living Beyond Burnout

ISBN: 9780664246112

定价: 18.00


The eleven books in this series??? Potentials: Guides for
Productive Living??? speak to your condition and mine in the
life we have to live today. The books are designed to ferret
out the potentials you have with which to rise above rampant
social and psychological problems faced by large numbers of
individuals and groups. The purpose of rising above the
problems is portrayed as far more than merely your own
survival??? merely coping??? and merely \"succeeding\" while oth-
ers fail. These books with one voice encourage you to save
your own life by living with commitment to Jesus Christ??? and
to be a creative servant of the common good as well as your
own good.
In this sense??? the books are handbooks of ministry with a
new emphasis: coupling your own well-being with the well-
being of your neighbor. You use the tools of comfort
wherewith God comforts you to be a source of strength to
those around you. A conscious effort has been made by each
author to keep these two dimensions of the second great
commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ in harmony with each
The two great commandments are summarized in Luke
10:25-28: \"And behold??? a lawyer stood up to put him to the
test??? saying??? Teacher??? what shall I do to inherit eternal life?