Prevention's Food and Nutrition: The Most Complete Book Ever Written on Using Food and Vitamins to Feel Healthy and Cure



Prevention's Food and Nutrition: The Most Complete Book Ever Written on Using Food and Vitamins to Feel Healthy and Cure

ISBN: 9780875961668

定价: 114.00


No doubt about it??? it s an exciting
time in nutrition. Okay??? \"exciting\" and \"nutrition\" may not be two words
you ve ever linked together before--unless you count diving into Aunt
Anne s Delectable Double Fudge Cake at the annual family reunion. But if
there was ever a time to call nutrition exciting??? it s now.
We all have at least a vague idea that good nutrition is important for
good health. And we definitely know what happens when we eat too much:
that uncomfortable stuffed feeling??? which??? if repeated too often??? leads to the
search through the recesses of our closets for roomier clothing.
So we ve always recognized--to a certain extent--that there is a correla-
tion between what we put in our mouths and how we look and feel
(although we don t always let that influence what we put in our mouths).
But never before has there been so much compelling evidence that what we
eat has a direct relation to the occurrence of serious diseases ranging from
cataracts to cardiovascular disease to cancer.
Food to prevent disease? Once most people would have hooted at the
concept. \"Just another crazy gimmick???\" they would have sniffed. But with
the publication of numerous carefully controlled studies by respected
researchers??? the idea that nutrients can not only treat but prevent disease has
moved steadfastly forward into the realm of acceptable science. And it s not
just that good nutrition can let us live longer. It can also let us live better.