Smart Women, Smart Choices: Set Limits and Gain Control of Your Personal and Professional Life



Smart Women, Smart Choices: Set Limits and Gain Control of Your Personal and Professional Life

ISBN: 9780307440211

定价: 51.00


This book is long overdue. I know from personal experience what hap-
pens when a woman takes the financial and emotional lead in a relation-
ship??? whether it be with a husband??? business associate??? or family member.
I ve been there. Done that. And I bought the T-shirt.
My friend Hattie Hill has been there too. Like many of us??? Hat-
tie has learned that we must make choices--wise choices--if we are to
live our dreams.
For example??? powerful women often have a tough time with rela-
tionships. A successful life or manageable career for these women often
hinges on striking a balance between their need to achieve and the de-
mands of their relationships. Most of us were unprepared for the changes
success would bring to our lives??? but??? particularly??? to our relationships. As
I heard one of my friends say one evening??? \"All the world s a stage??? and
most of us are desperately unrehearsed.\"
As I read this book??? I was struck by how much I identified with
the women who are talking about the frustrations and resentments of car-
rying. There are so many issues they had to deal with: the surprise of find-
ing themselves the primary provider; the subtle issues of control that take
over as their career soars; the high expectations of these women and their
willingness to take on most of the responsibility in order to see those ex-
pectations fulfilled; the willingness of their husbands and family mem-
bers to let themselves be carried as they??? in turn??? abdicate responsibilities;
and??? finally??? destruction of their relationships as these women burned out.