Daisy Miller & Other Stories



Daisy Miller & Other Stories

副标题: And Other Stories

ISBN: 9781853262135

作者: Henry James

出版社: Wordworth Editions Ltd

出版年: 1997-09-01

页数: 256

定价: USD 4.99

装帧: Paperback


Daisy Miller is one of Henry James's most attractive heroines: she represents youth and frivolity. As a tourist in Italy, her American freedom and freshness of spirit come up against the corruption and hypocrisy of European manners. From its first publication, readers on both sides of the Atlantic have quarrelled about her, defending or attacking the liberties that Daisy takes and the conventions that she ignores. All three tales in this collection, Daisy Miller, An International Episode and Lady Barbarina, express James's most notable subject, 'the international theme', the encounters, romantic and cultural, between Americans and Europeans. His heroes and heroines approach each other on unfamiliar ground with new freedoms, yet find themselves unexpectedly hampered by old constraints. In An International Episode, an English lord visiting Newport, Rhode Island, falls in love with an American girl, but their relationship becomes more complicated when she travels to London. In the light-hearted comedy Lady Barbarina, a rich young American seeks an English aristocratic bride. The unusual outcomes of these three tales pose a number of social questions about marriage and the traditional roles of men and women. Is an international marriage symbolic of the highest cultural fusion of values or is it an old style raid and capture? Is marriage to remain the feminine destination?


亨利·詹姆斯 (Henry James, 1843—1916), 美国小说家、文学批评家、剧作家和散文家。


詹姆斯是19世纪美国现实主义文学的三大倡导者之一,他同豪威尔斯、马克·吐温一起,为美国现实主义文学的发展,做出了积极贡献。詹姆斯强调指出,小说存在的理由是它努力表现生活;艺术的领域包括所有的生活、所有的感情、所有的见闻、所有的见解;现实的气氛是小说的最大优点。詹姆斯指出内容和形式的一致,把它们之间的紧密关系比做针和线一般的不可分离。他还提倡洞察和描写人的内部思想世界,劝告作家“抓住心里原因的复杂性”,指出只描写外部细节是不足的。詹姆斯关于心理描写的理论和创作实践,丰富了现实主义文学的内容。他对现代小说的理论也有卓越的贡献。他的著名的《小说的艺术》(“The Art of Fiction”) 一文所阐明的许多理论和观点,迄今依然被广泛地认为是无懈可击的经典之作。现代文学评论的许多术语,也源于他的文学评论著作,例如,“sensibility” (敏感)、“donne”(主题)、“execution” (处理、或技巧)、“point of view” (叙事角度)等,不一而足;詹姆斯也被尊奉为“大师”,对欧美作家如康拉德、菲兹杰拉德等人影响颇大。


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