Pocket Guide to Punctuation



Pocket Guide to Punctuation

ISBN: 9780877795179

作者: Inc·Merriam-Webster

出版社: 0-87779

出版年: 2002-1

页数: 336

定价: 25.0

装帧: Pap


A practical personal writing advisor, this second edition includes punctuation, capitalization, possessives, and compound words with a special chapter on quotations. Students will also find guidance on preparing footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies.

Book Description

New edition! A practical personal writing adviser. Coverage includes punctuation, capitalization, possessives, and compound words, with a special chapter on quotations. Students will especially appreciate guidance on preparing footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies.


Let this practical, convenient guide to style and grammar be your personal writing adviser every time you write an important memo, report, or term paper. This easy-to-use reference provides fast, authoritative advice on contemporary writing conventions, including punctuation; capitalization; using italics and quotation marks; forming plurals, possessives, and compounds; preparing footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies; and more.

Book dimension

Height (cm) 13.6         Width (cm) 8.9

关键词:Pocket Guide to Punctuation