First Years Together: Encouragement and Advice for the Newly Married Woman



First Years Together: Encouragement and Advice for the Newly Married Woman

ISBN: 9780892831340

定价: 21.00


Make the Most of Your Marriage
If you are considering marriage??? or if your marriage is currently in
its critical first years??? this is the book for you. It will help you not
only to make it through those early years??? but to establish a
foundation on which you can build an exciting??? fulfilling marriage
that will last a lifetime.
In The First Years Together??? Ruth Sanford explains how to over-
come the challenges and problems that Christian women face in
the formative years of married life. With keen insight??? compas-
sion??? and candid illustrations from her own successful marriage???
she gets to the roots of important issues like communication???
romance??? disillusionment??? sex??? birth-control??? pregnancy??? house-
keeping??? in-laws??? finances??? decision-making in the home??? and the
differences between men and women. She offers tested??? proven
wisdom that has helped hundreds of Christians through the
difficulties of the first years of marriage??? turning those years into
opportunities for a stronger??? happier marriage.
Christian marriage is the deepest??? most gratifying human
relationship you will ever experience -- but it is also the most
challenging. Marriage counsellors consider the first years of mar-
riage the most challenging of all??? and the most important years for
building a successful marriage. The First Years Together offers
encouragement and practical help for making the first years of
your marriage the beginning of a fulfilling??? Christ-centered life
Ruth Sanford is the author of More than Survivors and the
best-seller Do You Feel Alone in the Spirit? She and her husband???
Russ??? live with their seven children in South Bend??? Indiana.