Audit and Control of Information Systems



Audit and Control of Information Systems

ISBN: 9780538109406

定价: 390.00


This book, Audit and Control of Info rmation Systems, is designed for those who

need to gain a working knowledge of the principles and techniques of com-

puter auditing. Audiences that will find the text particularly relevant include

students and professionals in the fields of:

~ Business management

~ Computer information systems ~CIS

~ Accounting, auditing, and finance

In short, the content of this book should be included in the background of

anyone who is, or expects to be, accountable to management for the finan-

cial information on the assets of a business organization. To address this

multidisciplinary subject area, a team of authors was assembled that

represents a wide range of expertise, including computer auditing, govern-

ment systems, internal audit, public accounting, business management and

consulting, and CIS education.

A basic philosophy in the design of the text is that it must serve primar-

ily as a learning experience, not as a manual for performing audit examina-

tions. Thus, emphasis is on principles and techniques, as well as on

application through realistic case studies. In addition to cases that are

presented within chapter discussions, case projects are included in the

chapter assignments. The relevance and usefulness of these cases have been

proven in training programs within public and government audit organiza-

tions, and in university courses in CIS auditing. Indeed, many of the former

students of these courses are employed currently as CIS auditors and have

contributed case materials and references.