Riddle of the Lost Lake



Riddle of the Lost Lake

ISBN: 9781570645402

出版社: Lyrick Publishing

出版年: Apr-00

页数: 237

定价: 45.00

装帧: 简装


Chapter One
he freezing rain poured down??? and a strong
wind was blowing. Raindrops rapped
sharply against the window panes of the Talbot
house. Wishbone was finishing his lunch in
the kitchen. The white Jack Russell terrier with
the black patch on his back licked the last bits
of food from his dish.
Raising his head??? Wishbone said??? \"Yes! On
a stormy Saturday in February??? I like a hearty
lunch. Then again??? I like a hearty lunch every
Wishbone turned to look at his boy??? four-
teen-year-old Joe Talbot. Moments earlier??? Joe
had been eating a turkey sandwich at the
kitchen table. But now...
\"Joe? Joe! Where are you?\" Wishbone
called out.
No one answered.
hrlshbone sighed. ~qo one ever listens to the dog.\"

关键词:Riddle of the Lost Lake