



ISBN: 9787100057615

出版社: 商务印书馆

出版年: 2008-5

页数: 267

定价: 30.00元

装帧: 平装

原作名: A philosophy of intellectual property






Dr. Peter Drahos is Solicitor and Barrister of the Supreme Court of South Australia.

Dr. Peter Drahos is the Herchel Smith Senior Research Fellow in Intellectual Property in the Intellectual Property Unit in the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, University of London. He holds degrees in law, politics, and philosophy. He has taught in the Department of Politics at the University of Adelaide and in the Law Faculty at the Australian National University. He has been a Research Fellow in the Research School of Social Sciences at the Australian National University. He was an officer of the Australian Commonwealth Attorney-General?s Department. He has been a consultant to numerous government departments. He has published in law and social science journals on a variety of topics including contract, legal theory, telecommunications, and intellectual property. He is the author of A Philosophy of Intellectual Property (1996) and, with John Braithwaite Global Business Regulation (1996). He has held research grants from the US National Science Foundation, the American Bar Foundation and the Australian Research Council.


第一章 导论
第二章 论证知识财产的合理性:一切从头说起
第三章 洛克、劳动和共有知识
第四章 黑格尔:知识财产的精神
第五章 生产活动中的抽象物:马克思的观点
第六章 财产、机会和自利
第七章 抽象物的权力
第八章 信息公平
第九章 知识财产:主张工具论,反对独占论
关键词:知识 财产法 哲学