Applied Combinatorics



Applied Combinatorics

ISBN: 9780471735076

出版社: Wiley

出版年: 2006-11-29

页数: 496

定价: 1370.00

装帧: Hardcover


Updated with new material, this Fifth Edition of the most widely used book in combinatorial problems explains how to reason and model combinatorically. It also stresses the systematic analysis of different possibilities, exploration of the logical structure of a problem, and ingenuity. Combinatorical reasoning underlies all analysis of computer systems. It plays a similar role in discrete operations research problems and in finite probability. This book seeks to develop proficiency in basic discrete math problem solving in the way that a calculus text develops proficiency in basic analysis problem solving.


Alan Tucker美国著名数学家和数学教育家。曾任美国数学协会(MAA)第一副主席。纽约州立大学石溪分校应用数学系教授,曾任斯坦福大学客座教授。1969年获斯坦福大学数学博士学位,师从线性规划之父Danzig。他出身数学世家,父亲和祖父都曾担任美国数学协会的主席。父亲Albert Tucker也是著名数学家,提出了囚徒困境和Kuhn-Tucker条件,培养了纳什和明斯基等大家。


关键词:Applied Combinatorics