Caddie Woodlawn



Caddie Woodlawn

副标题: Woodlawn

ISBN: 9781416940289

作者: Carol Ryrie Brink

出版社: Aladdin

出版年: 2006-12

页数: 288

定价: 66.00元

装帧: Paperback


Caddie Woodlawn is a real adventurer. She'd rather hunt than sew and plow than bake, and tries to beat her brother's dares every chance she gets. Caddie is friends with Indians, who scare most of the neighbors -- neighbors who, like her mother and sisters, don't understand her at all. Caddie is brave, and her story is special because it's based on the life and memories of Carol Ryrie Brink's grandmother, the real Caddie Woodlawn. Her spirit and sense of fun have made this book a classic that readers have taken to their hearts for more than seventy years.


卡罗尔?莱利?布林克是美国最知名、最优秀的儿童文学作家之一。卡罗尔在爱达商荷州册生、长大,八岁时父母双亡,搬去跟祖母同住。她回忆全部与她移民时期在威斯康辛的童年生活有关。她那1860年代的童年生活,竟成为我1900年代的童年生活的一部分。”后来 ,卡罗尔根据祖母童年生活写成《伍德龙一家》,荣获1936年纽伯瑞金牌奖。卡罗尔在念爱达荷和加州大学期间,开始尝试写诗和短篇故事。等她结婚生子后,又开始为孩子们写故事。卡罗尔说:“在我的书里面,我喜欢保留一些真实性,而且这都与我个人的经验有关。在任何一种创作中,这种第一手资料,往往可以给作者和读者来满足感。一本缺乏作者个人生活经验的作品,很不能够打动人心。”


关键词:Caddie Woodlawn