



ISBN: 9787562024095

作者: [德]马克思

出版社: 中国政法大学出版社

出版年: 2003-9

页数: 194

定价: 17.00元

装帧: 简裝本

原作名: Marx: Early Political Writings



  作者简介:Marx:Early Political Writings

  The political doctrine of Karl Marx is to bc found in a broad range.of both published and unpublished writings:This volume, the frist of two which together span his entire output.presents his early texts of 1843-7,which predate the Communist Manifesto.Excerpts from the‘Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right’and from the Paris Notebooks,‘Points on the State and Bourgeois Society'and other writings are newly translated and arranged in a sequence that illuminates the development of Marx's thought,while the introduction discusses the circumstances surrounding the composition of the texts,the development of his‘materialist'theory of history and politics,the question of his contemporary relevance,and the relationship between the apparently utopian and millennialist elements in his thought and his concept of democracy.A chronology of Marx's life and career and an annotated bibliography complete a volume which will be an invaluable guide to the formation of one of the most influential doctrines in the history of political thought.