Inner Cleansing



Inner Cleansing

ISBN: 9780134745862

出版社: Prentice Hall Direct

出版年: 1992-9

页数: 249

定价: $ 38.42

装帧: HRD


What This Book Will Do For You

This updated, revised, and expanded edition was written to alert you to

an "invisible" threat to your youthful health. New research has identified it

as toxemia or "body pollution."

This internal pollution is so deceptive, its gnawing presence is

hardly noticed until you start to experience one "hopeless" problem after

another. Examples of toxemia range from arthritis to sagging skin, from

high blood pressure to clogged arteries, from chronic indigestion to un-

sightly overweight. What is going wrong? You have allowed toxic wastes

to take root inside your body: the aging process is stealthily approaching

to overtake your body and mind. Something must be done, and quickly.

This book has been expanded to reveal the latest bio-nntritional dis-

coveries of"body pollution." It zeroes in on the problem of toxemia--why

it happens and how you can boost your immune system to cleanse away

age-causing pollutants. This newly expanded edition shows how you can re-

verse the tide of aging and rid yourself of toxic threats to your youthfulness.

All together, in one comprehensive volume, at your fingertips, for

immediate use and help, are easy-to-follow programs. They can help add

years of vitality to your life. They can restore youth to your body and

mind. They can save your life!

This book shows how you can cleanse yourself of many, many com-

mon and uncommon toxic ailments--in the privacy of your home. There

are no drugs, no expensive hospitalization costs, no cumbersome equip-

ment. Many of the sludge-deansing detoxification programs are totally

free. Some require everyday ingredients that are probably in your pantry

right now. All of these inner cleansing programs work amazingly fast.

They search out, dissolve, and then wash away internal sediment that

might otherwise deteriorate and age your vital systems.

Stiffened by arthritis? Troubled with cholesterol-clogged arteries?

Wrinkled skin? Nagging stomach disorders? Stubborn overweight? Chok-

ing allergies? Cardiovascular hurts? Blood sludge? Feel aged because of

"muscular stiffness"? Then get ready to claim victory over these toxic

threats to your health. Follow the easy programs (they re fun, too!) and

free your body from pollutants. Detoxification will make you feel young

and clean, inside and outside. This book will help you whether these con-

ditions are new or have plagued you for years.

Concerned about the side effects of drugs? About the uncertainties

关键词:Inner Cleansing