



副标题: 美国“国家公园之父”约翰·缪尔的盛夏日记

ISBN: 9787108012845

作者: [美]约翰·缪尔

出版社: 生活·读书·新知三联书店

出版年: 1999-5

页数: 249

定价: 11.80元

装帧: 平装

译者: 陈雅云


In the summer of 1869, young and fresh, Muir traveled through the Sierra Nevada with a shepherd and his flock. This book is his journal, and it, too, is young and fresh. Muir, who would become a legendary advocate for wilderness and the founder of the Sierra Club, always played down the dangers he faced. But this book is full, nevertheless, of bears. And charm. It reminds you of how much wildness we have lost.

关键词:夏日 走过 山间