The Wines of Spain (Classic Wine Library)



The Wines of Spain (Classic Wine Library)

ISBN: 9781845331009

出版社: MITCH

出版年: 2006-08-28

页数: 440

定价: USD 29.95

装帧: Hardcover


Spain’s winemaking tradition is as old as France’s, yet it is evolving in new directions even faster than its Gallic rival. Major producers from well-known wine estates as well as small wine-producing bodegas from dozens of regions—including Catalonia, Aragón, Navarra, the Levant, Andalucia, and the Islands—are introduced here. All the entries receive a full description of their climate, soil, landscape, grapes, plantings, authorized yields, wines, and vintages. Fourteen detailed maps of winemaking regions are accompanied by addresses for touring and websites for ordering. Also helpful are the clarifications of confusions caused by interchangeable use of Spanish and French terms.