Plagues and Peoples



Plagues and Peoples

ISBN: 9780385121224

出版社: Anchor

出版年: 1976

页数: 340

定价: USD 17.00

装帧: Paperback


Upon its original publication, Plagues and Peoples was an immediate critical and popular success, offering a radically new interpretation of world history as seen through the extraordinary impact--political, demographic, ecological, and psychological--of disease on cultures. From the conquest of Mexico by smallpox as much as by the Spanish, to the bubonic plague in China, to the typhoid epidemic in Europe, the history of disease is the history of humankind. With the identification of AIDS in the early 1980s, another chapter has been added to this chronicle of events, which William McNeill explores in his new introduction to this updated editon.

Thought-provoking, well-researched, and compulsively readable, Plagues and Peoples is that rare book that is as fascinating as it is scholarly, as intriguing as it is enlightening. "A brilliantly conceptualized and challenging achievement" (Kirkus Reviews), it is essential reading, offering a new perspective on human history.


威廉 H.麦克尼尔(William H.McNeill),1917年生于加拿大温哥华,就读于芝加哥大学.后于康奈尔大学取得历史博士学位,返芝加哥大学任教至1987年。芝加哥大学荣誉退休教授。专攻世界史(universalhistory).通史方面的研究卓然有成.德高望重。1996年,成为首位非欧洲人士获得伊拉斯谟奖(Erasmus Prize.奖励那些在欧洲文化传统之下为欧洲的文化、社会或社会科学作出杰出贡献的个人)。

其著作《西方的崛起》(TheRise oftheWest}荣获1964年美国“国家图书奖”(National Book Award)。探索旧世界文明如何相互影响.西方文明在过去五百年间发生的巨变等等,对史学理论发展有莫大的影响。尤其不同于史宾格勒(Oswald Spengler)等人关于文明是个别、独立地发展的主张.麦克尼尔强调文化之间彼此融合。

重要著作有《世界通史》(AWorld History)、《西洋文明史大纲》(History of Western Civilization A Handbook)、《人类社群史》(A History of the Human Community)、《权力的追逐》(The Pursuit of Power)、《瘟疫与人》(Plagues and Peoples)等。近年的作品有与同为历史学者的儿子J.R.麦克尼尔合著的《文明之网:鸟瞰世界历史》(The Human Web:A Birdseye View of World History).以及个人回忆录《真理的追寻》(The Pursuit of Truth:A HistorianS Memoir)。


关键词:Plagues and Peoples