Evolution as a Religion



Evolution as a Religion

副标题: Strange Hopes and Stranger Fears

ISBN: 9780415278331

出版社: Routledge

出版年: 2002-03-29

页数: 256

定价: USD 19.95

装帧: Paperback


Book Description

According to a profile in The Guardian, Mary Midgley is 'the foremost scourge of scientific pretensions in this country; someone whose wit is admired even by those who feel she sometimes oversteps the mark'. Considered one of Britain's finest philosophers, Midgley exposes the illogical logic of poor doctrines that shelter themselves behind the prestige of science. Always at home when taking on the high priests of evolutionary theory - Dawkins, Wilson and their acolytes - she has famously described evolution as 'the creation-myth of our age'. In Evolution As A Religion she examines how science comes to be used as a substitute for religion and points out how badly that role distorts it. As ever, her argument is flawlessly insightful: a punchy, compelling, lively indictment of these misuses of science. Both the book and its author are true classics of our time. Go on, treat yourself! --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.


Midgley exposes the illogical logic of poor doctrines that shelter themselves behind the prestige of science. Always at home when taking on the high priests of evolutionary theory - Dawkins, Wilson and their acolytes - she has described evolution as "the creation-myth of our age". In "Evolution As A Religion" she examines how science comes to be used as a substitute for religion and points out how badly that role distorts it. Her argument is insightful - a lively indictment of these misuses of science.


Mary Midgley is a philosopher with a special interest in ethics, human nature and science with a widespread international following for her work. Her latest book, Science and Poetry is also available through Routledge.


关键词:Evolution as a Religion