The Echo Glass



The Echo Glass

副标题: A novel about Anorexia Nervosa

ISBN: 9781411653764

出版社: Lulu Press

出版年: 2006-01-01

页数: 188

定价: USD 14.15

装帧: Paperback


"Something changes. It’s so sudden it’s like a bus has charged down the road and hit me straight in the face. I have a plan. I could lose weight."

All Jasmine Harwood has ever wanted is a true friend, a best friend. But Corisande isn't trustworthy. In fact, sometimes Corisande doesn't act like she wants to be Jasmine's friend at all. With Cori's bullying, almost every day turns into hell. That is until Jasmine finds an escape...

A dangerous obsession begins. A world of anorexia and silence.

关键词:The Echo Glass