Call for the Dead



Call for the Dead

ISBN: 9780743431675

出版社: Scribner

出版年: 2002-02-01

页数: 160

定价: USD 13.00

装帧: Paperback


John le Carré classic novels deftly navigate readers through the intricate shadow worlds of international espionage with unsurpassed skill and knowledge, and have earned him -- and his hero, British Secret Service Agent George Smiley, who is introduced in this, his first novel -- unprecedented worldwide acclaim.

George smiley had liked Samuel Fennan, and now Fennan was dead from an apparent suicide. But why? Fennan, a Foreign Office man, had been under investigation for alleged Communist Party activities, but Smiley had made it clear that the investigation -- little more than a routine security check -- was over and that the file on Fennan could be closed. The very next day, Fennan was found dead with a note by his body saying his career was finished and he couldn't go on. Smiley was puzzled...


约翰?勒卡雷(John le Carré ,1931—)

原名大卫?康威尔(David Cornwell),1931年生于英国。曾就读于伯尔尼大学和牛津大学,在伊顿公学教授过两年法文与德文。18岁被英国军方情报单位招募,担任对东柏林的间谍工作;1958年就职于英国安全局军情五处,同时开始写作。1963年,第三本著作《柏林谍影》问世,知名小说家格雷厄姆?格林如此盛赞:“这是我读过的最好的间谍小说!”由此奠定文坛大师地位,并转为全职写作。在过去的50年中,勒卡雷居留于伦敦与康沃尔郡,笔耕不辍,迄今共著书23部。

勒卡雷是毛姆奖、爱伦坡奖、爱伦坡终身大师奖、金匕首奖、钻石匕首奖、金匕首奖中之奖等各大文学奖项的得主,并被《泰晤士报》评选为“1945年以来50位最伟大的英国作家”之一,作品入选 《时代》杂志1923年以来百部最佳英语长篇小说、英国推理作家协会(CWA)百佳推理小说、美国推理作家协会(MWA)百佳推理小说与十佳间谍小说。


关键词:Call for the Dead