Game Development With LUA (Game Development Series)



Game Development With LUA (Game Development Series)

ISBN: 9781584504047

出版社: Charles River Media

出版年: 2005-08-05

页数: 314

定价: USD 49.95

装帧: Paperback


complex GUIs and artificial intelligence. If you?re a developer just starting to use Lua, or you?re considering using it, Game Development with Lua will teach you everything you need to know. And if you?re new to scripting languages altogether, this book will also teach you how they can be used in game development effectively. Written by practicing Lua game developers, the book teaches how to use Lua for commercial game development. It begins with a brief history of Lua and explains how to incorporate Lua into a C++ project. It details the key features and advantages of Lua and then takes you through the development of a ?rapid prototype? game called Take Away. This game provides the context with which to explore the foundational C++ approaches and the Lua scripting approaches to saving and loading game data, building a modular and flexible GUI system, managing a game?s real-time events through Lua scripts, and using Lua to define and control game AI. There are also several smaller games along with a full technology base, so even non-programmers can look under the hood to see what makes a game tick. If you?re looking for an efficient, affordable, and easy-to-learn language for your games, Lua is the right choice and this book will teach you how to use it effectively.


Paul Schuytema 资深游戏开发专家兼Lua开发工程师,在游戏开发领域研究和实践10余年,积累了丰富的经验。曾经在过去的10届全球游戏开发大会(GDC)中发表过重要演讲,在游戏开发领域颇有影响力。他设计并开发了20余款经典的游戏,发表了200多篇与游戏开发相关的专业文章,而且他还是多本书籍的作者或合著者。

Mark Manyen 资深游戏开发专家兼Lua开发工程师,Magic Lantern的技术总监,在超过25款游戏中指导并使用了该技术。他在Magic Lantern's J5 技术套件中引入了Lua,并且开发了所有与J5代码库相关联的“Lua Glue”函数。
