Photo Annual 2000



Photo Annual 2000

副标题: The International Annual of Photography [Hardcover]

ISBN: 9781888001655

作者: B·Pedersen

出版社: 未定义出版社

出版年: 2000-01-01

页数: 256

定价: 350.0


Brilliant, sensitive, and provocative, the compelling images that make up this annual represent the latest achievements in camera art, brought together in one grand volume. Carefully selected from an international call for entries, this collection of more than six hundred full-color photographs includes the work of gifted emerging artists as well as long-established professionals. Captions provide essential information about each image, and lists of photographers, agencies, clients, and other indices add to the value of the book. Professional, amateur, and student photographers, photo reps, collectors, and anyone who simply relishes looking at gorgeous pictures will enjoy owning this deluxe volume.

关键词:Photo Annual 2000