Network Security



Network Security

副标题: Private Communication in a Public World

ISBN: 9780130460196

作者: Charlie Kaufman/Radia Perlman/Mike Speciner

出版社: Prentice Hall

出版年: 2002-5-2

页数: 752

定价: USD 89.99

装帧: Hardcover


The world's #1 book on network and Internet security has been thoroughly updated to reflect today's latest threats, techniques, and technologies. The long-awaited Network Security, Second Edition brings together definitive, accessible, even entertaining explanations of every key facet of information security. The authors begin by reviewing the challenges of network security, and introducing basic concepts such as authorization and the "military model" of security. They present an easy-to-understand introduction to cryptography, including secret and public keys, hashes, and message digests. A detailed section on authentication addresses the challenge of proving identity across the network; handshakes; and common attacks that must be addressed in designing authentication systems. The authors address core Internet security standards including Kerberos 4/5, PKI, IPSec, and SSL; as well as e-mail security via PEM, S/MIME, and PGP. They offer practical introductions to the Web security issues associated with URLs, HTTP, HTML, and cookies; concluding with overviews of security in environments ranging from Windows to NetWare.


Charlle Kaufman,IBM的资深工程师,Loutus Notes和Domino的首席安全架构师。他曾任DEC公司的网络安全架构师,并领导了IETF的“Web Transaction Security”工作组,现任职于IAB(即IETF’s Architecture Board)。

Radia Perlman,Sun Microsystems的资深工程师,她因为在桥接(生成树算法)、路由(链路状态路由)以及安全(sabotage-proof网络)方面的贡献而享誉世界。Perlman是“Interconnecdons:Bridges,Routers,Switches,and Internetworking Protocols”一书的作者,还是“Data Communications”杂志评选出的网络界最有影响力的25人之一。

Mike Speciner,“TinkEngine Networks”公司的高级顾问工程师,数学算法和开放系统方面的著名专家。


关键词:Network Security