Why Mona Lisa Smiles and other Tales by Vasari



Why Mona Lisa Smiles and other Tales by Vasari

ISBN: 9780271026152

作者: Paul Barolsky

出版社: Pennsylvania State University Press

出版年: 1987-03-30

页数: 148

定价: USD 21.95

装帧: Paperback


Why Mona Lisa Smiles discusses Vasari's shrewd, witty, intimate awareness of Dante, Petrarch, and Boccaccio and relates the Lives to the works of Castiglione, Aretino, Cellini, and Rabelais. Barolsky reveals the unexpected fantasy of Vasari, who imagined and then invented artists and works of art, as well as totally fabricating the lives of artists about whom he knew little or nothing.